Wheaton Family Law Attorney
Divorce, Estate Planning, and Mediation Representation in DuPage County
We realize that you have a number of different choices when it comes to quality legal representation. At Jenz Law Office, our approach sets us apart.
Many lawyers are results-oriented, and the final outcome is all that matters to them. Conversely, we are process-oriented. We promise to give you our best effort, and our best attitude, every time we send an e-mail, pick up the telephone, or advocate for you in court. We believe that if we take care of the details, the outcome takes care of itself. We are committed to relationships with our clients due to the unique nature of the cases we handle, which include:
Agreements often need to be modified or enforced in the months and years following their establishment, and many families may experience non-divorce issues in that time period as well. We are ready to pick up where we left off as your trusted advisor and powerful advocate.
Dedicated Representation in Wheaton
At Jenz Law Office, we give our clients something more. We thoroughly prepare before entering a court hearing or negotiation session. In fact, we have built a positive reputation in this regard among judges in DuPage County and elsewhere. We work hard to maintain that reputation, and our clients reap the benefits. We firmly believe that many problems in life can be solved through hard work and focused effort.
We offer aggressive and intelligent representation. There are times to uphold a certain position or argument, and there are times to take a step back and look for areas of agreement. It takes a good lawyer to know and understand the difference, and attorney Judith Jenz is skilled in navigating the often complex matters families face. Ms. Jenz is not only a knowledgeable attorney but a court appointed mediator who can provide conflict resolution representation when you need it most.
In addition to advocacy skills and a strong work ethic, we are familiar with the local courts. We know their preferences and procedural rules, even the ones that are unwritten. We also know the other attorneys in the family law bar, and we can fairly anticipate what they may do next. Working together, we can stay one step ahead of the other side.
Serving Clients Throughout Northern Illinois
We are proud to serve a diverse group of people. Despite any social, economic, racial, or political differences, people are very much the same. For your own free consultation, contact Jenz Law Office at 630-202-8842 today. From our office in Wheaton, Illinois, we provide skilled representation to clients in DuPage County and the surrounding communities.

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