Wheaton Will And Estate Planning Attorney

Experienced Estate Planning Lawyer Serving DuPage County
Although most people would agree that current documents regarding one's estate are important, millions of Americans have never made a will. Millions more have wills that are woefully, and dangerously, out of date. Some people feel they have no assets to protect, while others believe a will is too expensive. Still others find death and disability to be uncomfortable topics. However, if a person dies without a comprehensive estate plan, the government will make important decisions about how minor children are raised and how property is distributed.
At Jenz Law Office, we prepare a wide range of testamentary documents for families throughout DuPage County. These documents can give you peace of mind and help you make important end-of-life decisions based on sound legal advice from an experienced attorney.
Preparing and Executing a Will
A will gives you almost total control of the disposition of your estate. Many people use a combination of proportional distributions--such as half to the children and half to a surviving spouse--and specific bequests. You can also leave assets to a religious or charitable institution and, if desired, instructions on how those assets are to be used.
To be legally enforceable, a will must meet specific requirements pertaining to formatting and implementation. In addition to advice during preparation, an experienced attorney typically offers a will signing ceremony to ease any lingering doubts about proper execution.
A will can be changed at almost any time by a subsequent writing. However, to avoid confusion and later litigation, it may be a good idea to physically destroy any prior wills and compose a new will from scratch. Many people also opt for a medical power of attorney and a power of attorney for property as part of their estate plan. These agreements can provide a trusted person with the authority to make decisions on their behalf if they ever become incapacitated.
Types of Trusts
Illinois law recognizes several different kinds of trusts, because each family has different needs and goals:
- Testamentary Trust: A testamentary trust takes effect when the maker dies. Minor trusts are a popular option because they allow a trustee to manage assets left to children in a will until the children reach a certain age or achieve a certain milestone in life.
- Living Trust: A revocable trust can be modified at almost any time for almost any purpose. This can ensure that you will be able to use the assets in a trust to provide for your own needs, and other assets may be distributed to beneficiaries before or after your death.
- Irrevocable Trust: If the terms of a trust cannot be changed after the agreement is created, this may help your heirs avoid certain estate taxes.
- Land Trust: A land trust transfers the title of real property while helping to ensure privacy and a smooth transition when multiple owners are involved.
Contact Our Wheaton Wills and Trusts Lawyer
Both wills and trusts can help manage your assets and shield them from creditors while allowing a smooth line of ownership succession. A comprehensive estate plan gives you and your family additional peace of mind. For a free consultation, contact Jenz Law Office in Wheaton, IL at 630-202-8842. After hours appointments are available.

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